INYE Media Library is FREE for all Standard and Virtual Only Membership holders! Members can access our Virtual Library with 400+ past practices via MindBody through a desktop browser platform:
1) Sign in to your Mindbody Account. Go to the "Online Store" tab and choose "Media" from the drop-down menu (Visible only to a Membership holder). Purchase the Media Access (Member only) at $0.00.
2) Once the Pricing Option has been purchased and confirmed, click on the "Media" tab. A portal will auto open through your browser. If not, click on the link and the portal should launch. NOTE: Please enable pop-up on your web browser for the Media Library.
3) Copy the Passcode (updates monthly), and click on the OPEN LIBRARY button.
4) A gateway will open requesting passcode. Please paste the code to enter.
5) Enjoy all available classes within the INYE Media Library!