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Celebrate Wellness with INYE Community this Saturday!

A Yoga community is a nourishing existence, with a group of dedicated practitioners focusing on physical and spiritual wellbeing. It is a sacred space where like-minded people can come together and share energy toward uplifting Self, and it is a doorway for self discovery and contemplation.

At the INYE Community, we see you for who you really are, as a human being with unlimited potential. Through various programs and practices, it is our vision to elevate human consciousness, to bring forth clarity and brilliance so we may illuminate from within with joy.

Come join our Wellness Event open house on this coming Saturday (Jun 22), from 4pm-7pm!

We invite you to come see for yourself, how your energy can be softened and recharged in this positive and healing environment. Join us in a Yoga practice led by a guest teacher from ISHA Foundation, live sacred music and graceful dance performances, and eat vegan food prepared with loving care (See below for ways to join).

Plus many more wonderful vendors offering their creations and energy, info booths and promotional sales. Celebrate this second home to us all.


  • 4:00pm – Arrive and Settle

  • 4:30pm – 45min Complimentary Yoga practice with ISHA Foundation

  • 5:45pm – Potluck + Dance performance by Sampradaya Dance Academy + Music performance by INYE Sutra Band

  • 6:40pm – Price Draw

  • 7:00pm – Event concludes

Click here to get the Free Wellness Event Ticket to join the Yoga practice, and/or arrive early to get your spot (limited spots available)


If you wish to contribute to the potluck, please bring a VEGAN dish (no dairy or egg) for 5 - 8 people portion. If you are in the studio, please write down your name on the community black board, so we can estimate how many people will contribute (recommended).

Not a good cook? No Worries! You can also participate in the potluck by donating $5 or more.


Cynthia Cooperstone (Yoga Teacher Lead Trainer) will be there at the start of the event to answer any questions you may have about our 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training program, which begins in September, 2024 and runs through May, 2025. 

"Once again, I am pleased to be working with outstanding faculty on a teacher training that is truly second to none. We pride ourselves not only on the comprehensive nature of our curriculum, but on our ability to support a cohesive cohort and to guide them towards becoming the inquisitive, compassionate and knowledgeable individuals and teachers they want to be. We take you on a deep dive into the history and philosophy of yoga, a relevant exploration of anatomy and contemporary practice, and an enriching journey into self-awareness and skill development.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to me with questions and make this the year that you finally take the plunge into YTT."


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