Each morning when I wake up, but before I get up, I place my hands over my heart and speak within:
“I am alive, and I will make the best out of today.”
How amazing is it that I will get another chance to soak up the sun, experience what it is to be human and interact with everything in the world. Most importantly, to further my study for Self and organize my being.
Before I invited hypnotherapy and Yoga into my life 12 years ago, I was a frustrated youth. Parts of my anger and frustration were from the friction of day to day interactions, like tumbling my way through dense fog, never knowing when I might trip and fall. Even though my wit and technical skills were sharp, allowing me to advance in my career, my perception of Life was disoriented and full of contradictions.
I first found Hypnotherapy in 2012, and it opened my eyes to the subtle layers of the mind. During my subsequent practice, I had closely witnessed how behaviours and personality were built upon the massively tangled impressions gained through experience, imitation or imagination. For most people, the belief system can only be challenged when a state of confusion and/or suffering sets in. The mind will actively try to remove the things that don't make sense. With chemical intervention, such as drug use, the mental conflict will only remain in suspense without resolution, which causes contradicting memories or temporary amnesia. This fragile tendency of the mind had shocked me, hence I started to examine mine objectively through self hypnosis and meditation.
After I had furthered my experience with objective emotional control and spirituality through hypnosis, I was not sure where it would lead me, or if it was just another form of mental conditioning. Then I attended a Yoga class, where the teacher shared Yoga philosophy at the beginning of her practice. The more I contemplated her words, it affirmed that my years of self exploration and challenges were authentic, and all I need is to seek out Yoga's systematic approach to Self Mastery.
The most significant message was: the choice is always mine!
Now I take time to study everyday, whether it is through books, Hatha Yoga, or meditation. The Yogic knowledge is unlimited. Humanity also has unlimited potential - we all contain this infinite Cosmic make-up within us. If you are ready to transform yourself with clarity, come and sit with me, let us open the door to reality and bask in the brilliance of Life.